Pros and Cons of Shopping for Insurance Online
5 min readDec 22, 2020

Pros and Cons of Shopping for Insurance Online

Everyone is progressively becoming reliant on comparison sites to find the best and cheapest deals, including all types of insurance. Although they are becoming popular in recent years, it is still imperative that users are mindful of the advantages and the disadvantages of doing so because the low-priced quotes are not always the best buy.

Everyone has different financial goals as well. What we deem necessary to our policy may not be important to you. That’s why here, we have outlined the pros and cons of shopping for insurance online.

The pros

Are insurers overly concentrating on providing the cheapest quote to be competitive? Below, let us take a closer at the aces and rip-offs of comparison sites.


Like an online store, prices of insurance products and services appear cheaper with comparison websites because they incur much lesser operational costs like compensation and benefits, office space rental, utilities, et cetera. Further, they have programmed their sites to quickly generate insurance quotes from almost all insurers, including those lesser-known insurers for their affordability. They sort it according to price to enable customers to select the very cheapest options available, based on the data they earlier inputted. But the more reasonable choices presented may offer less coverage or will require the consumer to add more riders. Nonetheless, they provide essential coverage at an affordable rate.

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Wider variety and choice

Compare going to the insurers’ office to talk to agents, with insurance comparison sites, and it seems like you are talking to hundreds of agents at the same time. Your options are wider. All you have to do is answer the questions on the initial phase, and the site will give hundreds of options to choose from providing different insurance coverage and benefits. This will not just allow you to find the best deals but also for you to validate the precision of the data quoted.

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Convenient and time-efficient

With 24/7 comparison sites to shop online, there will be no parking hassles, gasoline expenses, aggressive agents, queuing, and all sorts when you meet financial advisors in person. With online shopping sites, factors that will help you decide to acquire insurance are on the tip of our fingers. We can get lots of insurance quotes with lesser effort. Further, these sites let you ruck a large amount of data, saving you the time of probing overloads of individual sites. Also, these sites allow you to create an account where you can save your details to avoid you from inputting them when searching for different insurance products or trying to shift insurers. They also provide customer reviews for validations and all. These types of convenience and time-efficiency are the big attraction to these sites.

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The cons

Service Fees

Insurers who use online comparison sites for their marketing activities and strategic online availability could be paying a fee or maybe giving an income percentage or commission when a sale is made, which is called a service fee. That depends on their agreement, but the insurance consumers do not see it. It could be that comparison sites receive roughly around 20% commission when someone switches providers on their site. These fees may or may not be passed on by the insurers to their insurer without them knowing.

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Incomplete insurer

Many insurance companies, especially the larger ones, maintain their websites, while some are not even visible online. Many of them also operate their comparison website. Thus, not all companies use the services of comparison websites. All those means, not all insurers are available on one comparison website. We could be missing out on a quote from trustworthy companies. This means that no matter how much searching you do on a comparison site; it will not ever illustrate the whole picture of the insurance quotes that suit you. Thus, it could be that we are not always receiving the most acceptable deal.

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Lesser to no personal touch

When you buy insurance through comparison websites, chances are, you lose the power to negotiate and end up with policies that are not a hundred percent of your goal. You might want better coverage or add a rider, but that can’t be offered on a comparison site. You also lose a person you can contact directly to answer your questions and do servicing when the problem arises.

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All through using online shopping platforms and comparison websites gives consumers the convenience we all need in our fast-paced lives, and some disadvantages come with it. What matters is that these cons outweigh the pros, which in this case, it does. As consumers though, let us not be complacent, instead, let us try to protect ourselves from the impacts of the scams.

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